Monday, May 9, 2011

(For Monday 5/9) Eat, Pray, Love - 2010

Okay, okay. I admit it. I am a schmuck. Not only am I a schmuck, but I am also easily swayed by popular culture. And yes, I am clueless when it comes to why some people think certain movies are to be considered GREAT CINEMA and other movies should be considered DRIVEL - just because a lot of people saw the movie, or because certain things were said or done to evoke a certain emotion...gosh, what's a movie without it evoking a certain emotion?

Is it so bad that this movie made me feel empowered? Challenged? Capable? Excited? Energized? Prayerful? Spiritual? I seriously doubt that evoking feelings like these are going to somehow hurt me. In fact, the self-righteous part of me kept thinking "oh, so-and-so needs to see this" - "this would mean so much to XXXX" and "if only XXXXX could watch this and know it's all going to be okay someday" and then I suddenly realized that the movie was speaking to me on a level so fundamental. It's the representation of what I hope to be - someone at peace and at balance with the world around me. Loving myself, being exactly who I want to be, breathing deeply and with pride and a sophistication of class and comfort with every inch of my body. THAT IS MY FUTURE. I embrace it.

So I guess I need to get around to what the movie is about. It's about love, lust, loss, lust and love again. It's about finding the center of yourself and believing with all your might that you're exactly where and who you need and want to be. It's about overcoming sadness and crippling emotions and seeking knowledge from spiritual places. Do yourself a favor and watch the movie with an open mind, a little chocolate, a box of Kleenex and some hope. It will sound trite to so many, it will reach futile ground in the minds of men, it will gain no following from the artsy crowd - but this movie has the potential to feed - no, NOURISH - your soul.

The IMDB Link

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